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Showing posts from December, 2016

Teacher, please understand us

none can forced each other to like somebody. including in the school life, in which the student has no choice but as a hostage to get knowledge from the teacher. unfortunately, our noble teacher is also a human who has emotion and their own motive in teaching. sometimes money-driven, project-driven, community-driven, humanity-driven, position-driven, etc, but what we want is simple, let us, the students, get a knowledge as much as we can.  Self-centered teacher won't care with the students development, one of the woman that i know, i don't even want to call her as a teacher, wanted to show off regarding her skill, in which, in my opinion, was not a even good. she had no method in teaching, no clear purposes, no empathy, just simply to show off. she even mentioned the same thing for thousands time. just kill me instead. my beloved teacher, we just want to get understand with the subject that you teach, no more no less. never labelled us as a naughty kids, or stupid, or insan...

the Secrets and Myth of Introvert

In trovert got more attention since the potential value of introvert was revealed. still, some negative perspectives on introvert are existed. let's talk more about the real introvert minds... Myth (M) Secret (S) M: shy is the first signal of introvert person S: well, that's not always true. Introvert has nothing to do with confident, it just the way of brain to be more preserved rather than outspoken. but don;t worry a lot when we found somebody get so clam, if sometimes we can drag them in to more talkative and hot discussion, and they really involve in the discussion, which mean we does it, we can guess their preference of topic by this. sure this is a bit challenging. if we don't really want to put extra effort to do it, just hit them with their idol. they won't stop talking for days or weeks.... M: no hope for introvert to be salesman S: introvert is the best salesman ever, as mentioned above, introvert is just the matter of fancy topic. in relation to the...

Rivalry vs Competition

when we have a name in our head, and won't disappear immediately, top of all, we hate them.....that's what we call with rivalry...we compete with individual, instead of with their competency. recently, research portrays the rivalry of people, in which this rivalry leads to negative side. while the competition, we compete with competency, named big companies in which they compete based on the new innovation, not the brand, and that's what we call with competition. the pattern of rivalry is sometimes clear enough, because both parties knew that they are in war. but soon, their energy drained-causing fatigue and depletion-because it feels like never ending battle without end point, and no specific purpose, the real purpose is defeated the enemies. on the other side, the competition is much more enjoyable than rivalry. the parties knew what they bet on, the purpose is clear-such as to be new technology winner or to win the market share. the amount of competitors are a lot, ...


for scholarship hunter, both terms (IELTS vs IBT) are a very common word. well, IELTS more wellknown than IBT for sure. it is simpy because the accaptence of IELTS is better than IBT. it doesn't mean IELTS better than IBT, nope at all..but it because Australia, UK, European, and etc more welcome to IELTS than IBT. only US and Canada or Asians Universities which accepting IBT. there are differed in to 4 sections--listening, speaking, writing, and reading. well, since i learned both of them, i can say, they both challanging.....but in a different way...let me compare (but, this is simply based on the personal experience)...  let's begin with IELTS...well, for IELTS, all i can say is damn really diverse accent, from New Zelland, Aussie, UK, US, Germany, Asia--there are all insane....only if we practice to familiar with those accent, then we can survice, otherwise, were are first 3 weeks in learning ielts....felt like hell in the listening...but every...

Mental Block II

mental-Block, a series of no idea stage due to infomation overhelmed, is familiar for inventor. when the condition is over competitive, combined with no opportunity to refreshing, people easily suffers of mental block.  anticipation is becoming important aspects.just before the mental block arrive, we need to put a little effort to rest the body before it get worse.  the demand to be creative is sometimes burdened for others. pulled to generate ideas anytime create a  stressful condition. when we give our mind a space to rest, it gives a brain to connecting among uncounsious is important stage, since creativity is a connetion between uncunsious mind. in this case, let your brain rest and feel the great experience of achieving "Aha Moment"

Hilangkan Jerawat dengan alami

jerawat memang sering mengganggu aktivitas kita, membuat wajah kurang menawan. hm...ada baiknya agan/aganwati sering melakukan olah raga untuk membuat berekeringat. lakukan dalam waktu yang singkat tidak masalah, yang penting berkeringan. ada beberapa cara membuat kita berkeringat dengan cepat, yaitu dengan melakukan olah raga intesias berat dalam waktu 15 menit...bagus lagi kalau lanjut sejam he...he..he.... tapi kalau memang tidak sempat, lakukan dalam waktu singkat, yang penting ada keringat. dengan berkeringat, pori pori akan bersih dengan sendirinya tanpa harus diberi obat aneh aneh....kalau meradang parah, kombinasikan keduanya...banyak minum air putih selama olah raga, karena akan sangat mempercepat detoks....selama proses ini, tidak ada yang instant, there is a will, there is a way.... walaupun terlihat berat, cara ini sesungguhnya imun kita menjadi lebih baik dengan olah raga ini... banyak yang memiliki jerawat parah saya sarankan untuk mencoba olah raga...