F1 mania shift their attention on the rookie, named Rio Haryanto...coincidentaly, he came from the same city of me, Surakarta and also known as Solo--very unimportant information, but it's ok.....ok, let's continue..unlike the other racer which ussualy called by their name, Rio is called more in his nationality rather than his name. reporter getting more and more comfy called Rio as Indonesian racer rather than Haryanto. probably that's because of the uniqueness in Rio. besides, he is also a good looking boy....
he is a calm boy, very kind, has a great manner (of we compare to Kimi), calculative, systematic, tidy and many other good qualities (i saw the interview, he was very shy boy). but don't get him wrong...that kind of person is ussually determined. very calm, yes..but once he setting the goal, he will achive no matter what it takes. dangerous man, sturborness in his calmness. i would rather not to get messsing with this kind of guy.
it was a shocking moment when he got crashed and that happen twice. Everyone was waiting on his performance but the crashed even make it better. other saw in a positive thing, the others underestimate him. but Rio is Rio, he was not trying to blame others. He took the blame and said sorry for making such of a "little mistake". it appeared that he was not kidding of what he said. as i said earlier, he kind of a serious guy, which rarely having a joke. when he said that he was on the learning and adaptation process, which mean he was trying to do something with his car. when he spun, he learned..it better to have a spun in testing rather than in a real race, testing time is for testing the real potential of the car, while racing...it provide exact calculation, no mistakes, high risk.
i've made the article in Indonesian version about how Rio managed his conflict. In future performance of Rio, media will more and more exicited to Rio. because every step of Rio will attract a magnet in a such myterious way. most Indonesian suport him, and i hope he really achive his goal. go..go..go...Rio
by the way, i am the fan of Kimi. but i am not an F1 mania...i am sudenly following F1 because we have a representative in F1....not the loyal F1 mania....
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